AM Quartex is a system for digital asset management (DAM) which allows libraries and archives to present, distribute, and honor their archival resources in a highly engaging and user-friendly manner. Import items from Quartex into FromThePage for crowdsourcing and integrate transcriptions back into Quartex.
Anneliese Dehner is a professional who specializes in designing and developing digital collections. Her primary objective is to enhance the usability and design of these collections, with the aim of expanding their accessibility. Additionally, she strives to highlight the narratives and stories that are contained within these collections. Anneliese is an expert at using the FromThePage API to publish & automatically update documents on Omeka-S sites.
CONTENTdm is a user-friendly platform that enables you to create, preserve, and present your digital collections on your own customized website, enhancing their visibility to a global audience. CONTENTdm ensures the safety and integrity of your digital master files by securely storing and monitoring them in a preservation archive on the cloud. Import items from CONTENTdm into FromThePage for transcription and OCR correction and push page level transcripts back to CONTENTdm automatically.
FairCopy, a product by Performant, is an efficient tool that enables users to read, transcribe, and encode text with ease. Its advanced editing environment simplifies working with TEI. Moreover, the user interface can be customized to meet the specific requirements of any editing project. Crowdsourced transcriptions from FromThePage can be imported into FairCopy for further editorial enhancement.
Transkribus is a versatile platform that provides a complete solution for digitizing, recognizing text with artificial intelligence, regardless of location, time period, or language. Export crowdsourced transcriptions from FromThePage to train Transkribus models and correct Transkribus produced text in FromThePage.