You can upload metadata to FromThePage to display on the "About" page for each document/work and then configure faceted browsing for your collection based on that metadata.
The following video will walk you through the process, or you can following along in the documentation below.
First, in the settings of your collection, look for the "Metadata" section on the right side.
Choose "Upload Metadata" and you'll see the following window.
Download the template file, which has the FromThePage identifier and title for each work in your collection.
Keep the work_id field and add columns for any metadata fields you'd like to include in FromThePage. For this example I chose "year", "end year" "document type" and "creator."
Once you've filled out the spreadsheet, upload it in the "Upload Metadata" screen:
Now, if you look at the "About" screen of a document, you'll see the metadata fields you just uploaded with values for that document. You can use a variety of values your transcribers might want to know, including links to other systems.
It's great to have metadata for every document to view, but it's even better to use it for filtering and finding documents. If you go back to the collection settings you can find the "Metadata Facets" field on the right side. Click "Enable Facets".
You'll have each of your metadata fields and can choose which ones you'd like to include in your faceting browse. For the ones you'd like to include, fill in a user-friendly label values, choose the "type" -- either "date" for years or "text" for anything else, and the order you'd like them displayed. Dates will always be listed before text fields.
Once you save the configuration, you can go to your collection, scroll to the bottom right and see the facets you've configured. Choosing values or date ranges will limit the documents you seen in the main collection view.