We're pleased to announce the new Structured Data API for FromThePage. This IIIF-based API enables programmatic harvesting of crowdsourced contributions for field-based and spreadsheet-based transcription projects as well as user-created item-level metadata. Used in conjunction with the contributions API, developers should be able to poll a FromThePage server for the most recently transcribed form entries, or the most recently created metadata.
In our interviews with archivists and librarians, we've learned that context is important for evaluating and reusing data. Inspired by those conversations, we've included any user comments about the material in the structured data API for relevant pages. In addition, usernames and ORCIDs are also embedded in API responses to support evaluation of data provenance and attribution of user labor. Lastly, information about the way the project is configured--which fields are presented to the user, what are their data types, and what options exist for them--is included for the project and for each field.
The structured data API would not be possible without the collaboration of Nick Ver Steegh at Ohio University Libraries, whose input throughout the design and development process was invaluable. Additional thanks to to software engineering intern Sylvie Daines.