We are pleased to announce that FromThePage now integrates with CONTENTdm, the digital collections management system created by OCLC. Through this integration, CONTENTdm users can launch crowdsourcing projects on FromThePage without the need for uploading image files, copying metadata, or cut-and-pasting user contributions into their digital collections.
How it works
FromThePage uses CONTENTdm 5.1's new support for IIIF to import presentational metadata and references to image services. We've added a CONTENTdm import wizard to make the process easier. Simply find a compound object on your CONTENTdm site and paste its URL into the CONTENTdm URL field on FromThePage's Start a Project screen.
Copy the URL of the compound object.

Paste the URL into the Start a Project CONTENTdm field.

This automatically determines the IIIF manifest for the CONTENTdm compound object and begins the import process

You can import images to be transcribed or images and raw OCR text from ContentDM. For OCR correction projects, check "Import OCR text from ContentDM"

The project is now ready for volunteers to transcribe, index, annotate or translate!

Relevant CONTENTdm metadata for the compound object and for each item is exposed in FromThePage's exports and APIs. In addition, OCR correction projects can push the corrected text directly to their CONTENTdm installation by entering their user credentials in a new "Export to CONTENTdm" flow.

OCR correction projects will import the raw text directly from CONTENTdm.

Simple but Flexible
Integrating CONTENTdm and FromThePage makes it easy to run crowdsourcing projects from your existing digital collection systems, but it also opens up a world of interoperability through WebAnnotations and IIIF. High-resolution image viewers like Mirador and the Universal Viewer can improve the user experience of your digital collections (see the Harry Ransom Center's post on their experience). FromThePage's support for IIIF means that researchers can see transcriptions, translations, notes, and other crowdsourced content alongside images and metadata.
CONTENTdm enhancements to FromThePage were funded by the Council of State Archivists led by the Alabama Department of Archives and History, and joined by the Indiana Archives and Records Administrations, the Library of Virginia, and the Missouri State Archives. These enhancements are available to all users of the open-source crowdsourcing platform, whether hosted independently or on FromThePage.com. To learn more, contact support@fromthepage.com or sign up for a trial account.